By Amy (grossed out) - 27/04/2014 13:43 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, my long-distance boyfriend got extremely drunk and insisted that we left the Skype call on all night so it was like I was there with him. I woke up to the sound of him vomiting loudly at 3am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 717
You deserved it 6 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chelsea_bella 20

At least it was long distance vomiting.


Now u know what to think when your electricity bill is sky high

While vomiting isn't romantic, there could have been a LOT worse sounds coming from his bedroom during that call. A for effort, F for alcohol control. A+ for fidelity.

Skyping with your gf all night sounds nice actually. At least he tried?

Sounds better and more exciting than some Skype calls I've been in.

tayymeds 23

Am I the only one wondering how this is an FML? Be thankful you didn't have to be the one there for him to take care of him when he did it.

revelation11B 10

Still a better love story than Twilight. No..? *crawls back under the rock whence I came.*

conman531 23

Be glad he wasn't actually with you