By TheOtherWoman - 20/07/2009 07:10 - United States

Today, the guy I've been sleeping with for the last three weeks got really drunk. I drove him home from the party and took care of him. At 2am he asked for the phone. When I asked what for, he said he wanted to drunk dial his girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 032
You deserved it 12 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well.. that sucks, esp. for his g/f, but can you really expect anything out of a guy you are just casually sleeping with???

saw that coming halfway through the first sentence. it was probably the fact that you referred to him as the guy you've been sleeping with, as opposed to your boyfriend. this isn't an FML. this is a "I can't believe it took you that long to figure it out."


quackquackquac 0

If you were trying to have a real relationship instead of ******* this might not have happened. YDI for being a ****.

famas48 0

That doesn't really suck, because she deserved it. If you notice, the OP opens her FML with "the guy I've been sleeping with" rather than "the guy I've been dating", which infers that it was just casual sex and not an actual monogamous relationship. If she is sleeping with a guy who she is not dating, then she totally deserved that for expecting too much from a booty call.

agreed, here is a song i wrote about you "shes a super ****, super ****, she is super SLUTTY"

killerviral 0

he must of been hammerd and thought u were a friend so he was going to call u

it sucks, yea, but she said sleeping with not boyfriend. not as big of a deal. but still sucks

perryscherry 0

I guess now you dont have to ask where the relationship is going..... sorry OP, FYL indeed.

If he was that drunk he might've meant you.

that't what I was thinking... I would have waited to see if they dialed my #

My thought exactly. If he's that drunk then he might have not known who was taking care of him. All of you saying it's YDI for having casual sex need to stop being such self aggrandizing prudes. It's OK for people to have differing views on sex. You might need a full committed relationship, but casual sex is just as valid for the people who like it.

You're exactly right, but deciding to casually have sex means you understand that you are not attached whatsoever. People have no right to bitch that their **** buddy ****** someone else.

Are you a an idiot or something? She's not jeolous that he's ******* another woman. She's pissed that he didn't tell her that he was seeing someone. That firmly plants her in the other woman category. I'm pretty sure that she's not so happy about that.

Well.. that sucks, esp. for his g/f, but can you really expect anything out of a guy you are just casually sleeping with???

DuhthatsObvious 0

I feel so bad for his girlfriend, I can't believe you expected any respect for this guy anyway, when you guys have been having meaningless sex for 3 weeks. Maybe you should wait to be in a relationship with a guy before opening your legs, tramp!

girandwogpig 0

Whoa whoa whoa whoa....stop it.....stop it..

123sploosh 0

every guy does that. if a girl does that, it doesnt make her a tramp. shes not a tramp hes a tramp

Stop being such a dick. What's up with calling girls ***** or tramps because thye have casual sex? It sucks that guys do it and it's cool but girls do it and it makes them a ****.

DuhthatsObvious 0

I'm a girl, and I feel the same towards men. I have no pity for 'the other' women getting hurt. They bring it upon themselves.

"A key that opens many doors is very valuable, but a door that is opened by many keys is worthless"

Colleennn1579 0
Oh_Hayy_Its_Lex 10

theyre not dating, she waa having casual sex with him:P

JustCallMeCloud 0

What were you expecting? You were having casual sex with the guy.

kittykatt 0

What do you expect from a guy you're just sleeping with? You obviously weren't looking for a relationship. YDI for being a ****.

saw that coming halfway through the first sentence. it was probably the fact that you referred to him as the guy you've been sleeping with, as opposed to your boyfriend. this isn't an FML. this is a "I can't believe it took you that long to figure it out."