By theRoomie - 02/11/2009 06:47 - United States

Today, my loser roommate got wasted. He comes to me before going to bed, tells me he loves me, tries to hug me, then explosively vomits all over my face, my hair, my clothes. Then spends the rest of the night retching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 814
You deserved it 2 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He shows you affection, tries to get intimate, gives you a present, then starts choking over words for you, and all you can do is complain. YDI.

jchansfan 0



Saccharide 0

FYL. FYL worse if you're not gay. FYL even more if you're not gay and he seriously likes you.

primogen18 0

"I love you man" is one of the most common phrases said by drunk people to friends... so I doubt he's gay.

jchansfan 0


GR3453m0nk3y 4

You could have just googled it and saved yourself a heap of time.

jchansfan 0

You see there's a thing called a dictionary, saves time and makes you look less stupid. That or you coulod do a search. Though maybe we expect too much. i mean you aren't even sharp enough to know what retch means sooo.... I'm sorry, I'm being really mean to you for some reason... =( :)

0515_dw_090084 0

I find the irony that you spelled could wrong to delicious not to point out!! ha ha.

jchansfan 0

LOL I know. That typo just bleeds irony.

renaet 0

I find it ironic that you used the wrong "too." And "I find the irony" is also incorrect. It should be "I find it ironic." I used it above just to help you out... :]

jonathanhand 0

He shows you affection, tries to get intimate, gives you a present, then starts choking over words for you, and all you can do is complain. YDI.

Agreed. What more do you expect from your roomate? You should return the sentiment. this website is hilarious!

Mx_Rider 6

wow, way to go being a big dick to some guy who didnt know what retching means seriously.. it must be that time of the month for u

GR3453m0nk3y 4

people of FML!!! please do me a favor and go to this site idc what you do there just go to it it doesnt matter if you just open it, let it load, and then close it

bosshaug 0

I always find it strange when 2 FML's are almost exactly alike and there less than 3 days apart

ezycaa 0

so you're saying, bosshaug, that its a rare occasion for people to be sick? plus, the moderators could have just accepted this, this event coulda happened long before the other one!