By onemoreruinedthing - 24/01/2010 00:26 - United States

Today, my little brother learned to write his name. How did he tell the family? By writing it in permanent marker all over my 100 year old piano. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 617
You deserved it 2 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Musicians treasure antique instruments. Ever thought of that? Guess not. Musicians prefer older instruments to newer ones. The older it is, the better it sounds because the instrument was broken in. Second reason, better quality. There are sets of violins from the 18th century that sound and play better than those made today.


tekcor 2

At least it is more special to the family now.

This is the second FML recently where a child has used permanent marker on something; what is wrong with parents America? seriously, why would ANYONE give a child a permanent marker. EVER. That's just trouble waiting to happen.

It's not like parents hand children permanent markers and say, "Scribble Away, young Picasso! Destroy our home while creating your childhood memories." Children find things/get into things and use them thoughtlessly.

Is it really something to rant on? I really hate these FMLs where they go "Today my little sibling *something something* and he wrote/drew *something* in Sharpie. FML" Just use alcohol goddamnit!

You're obviously not a musical person. No self-respecting musician would ever use alcohol to clean off their instrument

its obviously a treasured musical instrument. it wouldnt be the same, and the alcohol stains would probably still be there

00yoda4 0

94 he is a kid why sue him he has no money

This is why the mombie she ought to be WATCHING their little crotch droppings instead of playing FarmVille all day.

senalina 0

dry erase markers over top help perminent marker come off any slick serface

Why do sooooo many kids in these FMLs have permanent markers??

That sucks. Hopefully you can find somewhere that can at least disguise it.

This exact same thing happened to my music school's. It is a varnished upright piano, and we simply chose to strip and revarnish it completely. It ruins the antique value, but I sadly don't know of many things that will remove permanent marker from wood without damaging the finish.

I agree - OP, you should do some research and find the name of a shop that specializes in stripping and refinishing antiques, preferably antique musical instruments. The internet is a beautiful thing - you shouldn't have too much trouble finding someone that can do the job. Perhaps a local music shop will be able to direct you to someone reputable. Unfortunately, this will cost you a pretty penny. Tell your family to take it out of your brother's college fund! *Kidding* If money is an issue (I'm assuming you're in your teens if you have a brother that young, and probably as broke as I was as a teen) you may be able to work out a payment plan with the shop. If this isn't an option, you can look online (or in the library) for information on how to refinish it yourself. WARNING - I've refinished furniture. It's messy, the chemicals stink, it takes a lot of time and a lot of room. (I took over my Dad's entire garage for nearly a month refinishing a vanity in my free time after school and between work.) I've never refinished a finely tuned musical instrument, though. You should DEFINITELY check with a local music shop to see what they think about this option. Whatever you choose to do, I hope everything works out for you.

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Musicians treasure antique instruments. Ever thought of that? Guess not. Musicians prefer older instruments to newer ones. The older it is, the better it sounds because the instrument was broken in. Second reason, better quality. There are sets of violins from the 18th century that sound and play better than those made today.

Exactly # 5 this made me cringe I almost cried at this

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*watches for more people flocking in, bitching how the piano was old anyways* Gotta love people who don't appreciate antiques.

afarr 0

Tit ass.The older the better! Why do you think yo granma sold for £10,000,000,000,000?

Well I don't know about his grandma, but we bought a grandma for about that much and made some beautiful leather handbags out of her. It was a bit messy but definitely worth what we paid. Reminds me of my own grandma every time I open it and catch a whiff of it. Now you can't put a price that.

the older the better it sounds dipshit

Kylias 6


find some ways to remove the ink. it may not be as permanent as you think it is. try nail polish remover?

coolster56 0

nail polish remover you idiot that ruins wood worse than it it already is

It will also dissolve paint and finishes. I made that mistake. It took the finish off of a spot on the wooden liner and you can see the bare drywall in another spot on the wall.