By JimmySmoothBeans - 21/10/2009 12:15 - Australia

Today, I had my 21st birthday party. My friends told me to have the party even though it had been 5 months since my actual 21st birthday. They asked me why I didn't have one originally and I jokingly told them it was because I didn't think anyone would come. Turned out nobody came after all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 390
You deserved it 3 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you expect anyone to celebrate your birthday five months later if you didn't think they would on the actual day of?

DoomJeff91 2

I'm busy. I'll read this FML in five months.


Why would you expect anyone to celebrate your birthday five months later if you didn't think they would on the actual day of?

Nobody' seems to be coming to read this FML eighter. Bad luck, Jimmy! =/

His friends probably encouraged him to post it. He really needs to stop listening to them.

jayneroadkill 0

Basically, the OP didn't hold a party because he didn't think anyone would show up to it. A few months later he put one together because his friends told him to, yet none of them bothered to show up for it.

DRINK ANTIFREEZE AND VODKA . ._ ,:' ./ __....._ / ./ / . ,-.._.' | / 6 . ___ .| 6 . . . . . . .4 .| . . . .. . . ./ ._ .. .---- ' .(_'---'`) ./ `'---`() LIVE FOREVER

What is that supposed to be? Wilma Flinstone?