By oh for f*cks sake - 20/03/2017 12:00 - Czech Republic - Prague

Today, my baby brother learned to remove his nappy. He immediately used this new skill to shit all over my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 824
You deserved it 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

species4872 19

It gives a whole new meaning to finger painting.

Things like this make me so thankful I'll never have children


species4872 19

It gives a whole new meaning to finger painting.

galacticstorm 6

That sounds like a...Shitty Situation. *Badumtss* I'm ready to accept your boo's now.

finalyearsofhate 22

Fun, isn't it? I promise it won't be the last time.

Things like this make me so thankful I'll never have children

Lobby_Bee 17

It'll be a funny moment to look back on when he grows up, right before you whoop his ass.

I really hope your parents didn't make you clean it up. after all, it is their responsibility.