By pistonchamp159 - 28/08/2009 07:51 - United States

Today, my husband woke me up at 3 AM by putting whipped cream on my hand and tickling my nose with a feather. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 712
You deserved it 9 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHA!! He is my hero! If you don't want him, I'll take him!! :D

iDemonChild 0

Lol. Whipped cream and tickling your nose... Classic. =D


FMLgirlx3 0

Gotta agree that it's a bit immature, but no harm no foul. You can play this a couple ways. If you're pissed, you can be 'to tired' to have any 'fun' with him for a few days. If you think he's cute, you can find some playful way to 'pay him back'. Make him sawdust pancakes or exlax brownies. Another FML that doesn't merit either the FML nor YDI buttons...

was this life-changing/traumatizing? I'm gonna guess no. therefore this != [is not a] FML moment.

runitout1298 0

Oh my gosh. You're most definitely my hero for using computer programming in your comment. Way to be. And I agree, this is most definitely NOT an FML. It's just amazing and funny. I'm jealous actually. It'd be fun to get the person back. :]

unlucky93_fml 0

coool.. ? haha its not really that big a deal i dont think your life would SUCK because of that..

The_Cait 0

Hahahahahahaha! I love your husband!

HomeBurger 0

Just hold tight, I'm on the phone with ems right now. They should be able to send a WAAAAAAAAAMBULANCE over asap.

when your husband does something like that, the normal thing to do is to laugh together at yourself, maybe smear a bit of cream on him, and then go to the bathroom and wash your face. get a sense of humor already.

Well that's a different way to use whipped cream in bed.