By Anonymous - 28/11/2012 06:32 - United States - Madison

Today, my husband quit his job as a university professor and picked up the graveyard shift at a rat farm so he could have more time during the day to play World of Warcraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 708
You deserved it 3 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nelds 12


Austyn57 1
screamwolf17 3

World Of World has stretched beyond basement dwellers? Dear lord.

List his account on eBay if it doesn't sell it'll get banned for attempting to sell it. I've played wow for years but recently quit from not having time to play. Quit the game before you quit your job. FYL op some people have serious issues.

Ok, I admit what he did was stupid, but op could at least talk to her husband about it instead of being a total douche about it that will probably just cause more problems in the end. Plus, you never screw with someone's WoW account... Just never...

It's people like your husband that give us WoW players a bad rap. Sorry you got stuck within one of the unfortunate few who takes the game more seriously than everyday life OP.

Seems like he has his priorities in order.

unknown_user5566 26

8- Have you ever played WoW? I'm by no means condoning his actions, but it truly is an addictive game. I played it in high school for a while. I would log on at around 8:00pm, next thing I knew it would be 4:00am. Once that game has it's grip on you, it's hard to quit. I think OP should focus less on the career change, and more on the addiction itself. People have lost their families from the addiction to it, if I am remembering correctly.

The game is good but not that good of one to quit a really good job

What in the name of blue **** is a rat farm?