By greenblue90 - 14/06/2010 13:50 - United States

Today, my husband purposefully said something to upset me. When I asked why he would do that, he told me it was to test my Prozac. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 829
You deserved it 4 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's probably the reason you're on Prozac in the first place...

TaylorTotsYumm 10

If I only knew what Prozac does..


When you hand him the divorce papers, tell him it's to test his cardiac fitness.

#3 = all h/she does is win, win, win, no matter what.

theonlysweetpea 10

As someone with anger problems, I will only say he would be walking with a permanent limp! Let's see if everything's working then!

michybaby7 0

What a catch you have there for a husband.

If you're on Prozac you've obviously got issues. Maybe you should stop to consider what you being nuts is going to him? Don't play the victim, woman. What's to say what he did to "upset" you wasn't something perfectly normal people do? You're the crazy one!

That's terrible!! The first two weeks of Prozac are absolutely awful!! :( I hated it, and I gained 30 pounds on it and still haven't lost it, I strongly suggest coming off of it, OP.. Sorry, not trying to hog up all the attention or anything, I'm just saying..