By greenblue90 - 14/06/2010 13:50 - United States

Today, my husband purposefully said something to upset me. When I asked why he would do that, he told me it was to test my Prozac. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 829
You deserved it 4 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's probably the reason you're on Prozac in the first place...

TaylorTotsYumm 10

If I only knew what Prozac does..


Obviously OP, your husband just doesnt get it, and that's not so good for you. Sometimes they are just assholes cause that's what they do best! In his head he thin ks he's funny Im sure. And they wonder why some of us are on meds. Provoke much?!?

Prozac doesn't stop you from getting upset at upsetting things, it stops you from getting upset at things that shouldn't be upsetting. If it actually dulled your emotions like that it would suck. I'm bothered by how many times I used the word upset/upsetting in that first sentence.

3wJt6oBA 0

tip: you might not be depressed. being in an abusive relationship can mimic symptoms of other psychological disorders.


lmfao you have admit that's one was pretty good.

Did it work? Actually he will know it is working when you no longer give a shit about doing the laundry or cooking.

tell him, your the reason I needed it in the first place douche

Anaxes 5

I could respond to your post seriously, or I could make fun out of it, lets make fun out of it. It should be: You're the reason I need to take the drugs in the first place, you bastard. Anyone who uses the word douche makes me wonder if they even know what it means. Douche is used to clean out vaginas. So calling someone a douche is both grammatically pathetic and technically a good thing.

You really have tunnel vision don't you? Douche is yes..something that cleans out a ******..but it is also "known" as a common used product by ****** and such. Aka to cleanse out dirty beaten ******...thus the term douche being a negative insult.

It's definitely not a good thing -- douches are really unhealthy and unnecessary if you actually bathe.

Gobsnoglin 0

Tell your husband he is awesome!

yagurlteeteexoxo 0