Liquid fun

By Cat - 13/06/2010 14:36 - United Kingdom

Today, it's my Nana's birthday and to say she is having a good time is an understatement. She's so drunk, she took out her false teeth tried to put them in her dog's mouth. When she failed, she tried the cat's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 161
You deserved it 4 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, our grandmas should party together ! My grandma got so drunk, she ran around the block naked .

iondadola 0


dudeitsdanny 9

No. That's the FML. OP wanted wine-dipped dentures. Anyonr else amueed by the fact that her name, "Cat", is next to "(woman)"? Catwoman? No? Hm.

dudeitsdanny 9

My comment disappeared =( And now it's back. Fml.

freaking awesome grandmother!I wish mine was like that.

ryansims 0

youre nana is hilairious lol

allyrox 0

and why is your life ******? just think, at least she's having a good time! if i was you I'd go and join in the party!

wow nana must have a dirty mouth she didn't care how dirty her dentures were lol

Roflmaaark 0

LOL I'm getting the RSPCA onto your grandma for animal abuse.

SarinaBoBina 0

heyyy it's my birthday too :)

Lexiegirlxx 4

lmao op i want ur grandma xp dont take it for granted

Just slap the old bitch. It's not like is going to remember it.

kittykataclysm 0

haha that's soo gonna be me! :D living it up even when times trying to stop me

well she sure knows how to party hardy haha !

your nana is actually a G-ma! hahhahah :3

babysayslove 0

damn Teresa, so positive lol. gotta give props

lionandthelamb61 9

hahaha, u should f@#% her on her plastic covered couch

iondadola 0
ryansims 0
lionandthelamb61 9

godddd, does anyone understand humor any more? 40 year old virgin? anyone? no? you two are lame.

Wow, our grandmas should party together ! My grandma got so drunk, she ran around the block naked .

Samantha_baby 0

heck, I'd party with your grandma! woot woot!

pimparmenian69 0

dear mother of god she must be having a great time!

ipwnallmen 10

who wants to see old chesse boobs dangling. lookin like when you cut off a slice of extra cheese. mmm mozerlla sticks.

fakeaccountX 6
ipwnallmen 10

no, chiquito, its WIN!! mmm pizza cheesey boobs :)