Yada yada yada

By Anonymous - 16/10/2021 02:00

Today, I asked my husband how much he loved me and he refused to answer, because he was convinced I was using some unfair logic to start an argument, simply because I wanted to argue over something, anything. I later realised he was probably right. I’m an awful person. FML
I agree, your life sucks 250
You deserved it 1 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure he heard Capt. Akbar screaming: "It's a trap!!!"


I'm sure he heard Capt. Akbar screaming: "It's a trap!!!"

If that's the case, you're lucky you and him aren't divorced yet. Clean up your act ASAP

VnD 12

You sound like my parents and people like you make me sick, I'm surprised he hasn't divorced you yet.

I've seen this quite a bit, wish I knew why it happens. Kudos for you being self aware, that's a rare and beautiful quality.

Nice of you to actually have at least a bit of self-reflection. Now, do something about it.