By Jenn P - 22/04/2012 03:15 - United States - Wichita Falls

Today, my husband drew a penis on every one of my cigarettes. It's a new pack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 966
You deserved it 70 615

Same thing different taste


Toriaraekay 1

wow, everyone who straight up bashed op for smoking are DICKS! i'm sure that all of you pompus assholes have NO bad habits, i'm sure none of you are OVERWEIGHT, which is as dangerous as smoking and easily as much of a choice as smoking is, yet when someone posts on here about some guy calling her a fatty, you all get defensive, call him a jerk and that its disrespectful, what not, but yet you attack this poor woman for maybe her only bad habit, ans probably a habit shes not proud of in the first place, get off your high horses you obese people, you binge drinkers, you shop-aloholics, **** addicts, *****, thieves and BRATS, and realize NO ONE IS PERFECT and some mistakes haunt people longer in their lives than others

Being fat is NOT as dangerous as smoking, is not a choice (for some people), and not only does it pollute the smoker's body, but everyone else who inhales the second hand smoke. Everyone else who did, now has to deal with the bad decisions someone else made. You, sir or madam, are the DICK who wants to feel justified about inhaling tar, nicotine, and god knows what else and forcing that upon the general public. You have NO IDEA the OP's bad habits, how the **** could you? Do you know the OP? I doubt it. Also, you really wouldn't know how she feels about this 'bad habit'.

Toriaraekay 1

I seriously seriously doubt he was telling her to stop smoking, he probably would have broken them of got them wet if that was the case, i have a group of friends who all smoke and are constantly drawing dicks and other sexual objects on each others cigs because THEY THINK ITS FUNNY when their friends SMOKE a DICK thats all, no hidden message i bet he smokes a different kind of cigarette and thought he would joke around with her, its not that deep

WhatsAKate4 6

I did that to all my brother's cigarettes before I brought them to him when he was in jail so all the guards would stop stealing his smokes and passing them out to other inmates.

I applaud him for his concern and creativity. Or he might just be a dick. Either way, he still gets a round of applause from me!

I hate how so many people said YDI because you smoke. People are so hateful towards people who smoke for no reason. Also, its likely the husband smokes too but that's not the point.

Are you saying fml because you smoke, because that's the main problem I see here