By Pelly - 23/06/2016 10:26 - Belgium - Kasterlee

Today, my grandma told everyone I'm using steroids and amphetamines, all because she mistook my protein powder and vitamin pills for drugs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 924
You deserved it 1 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Odds are she takes heavier medication than you do.

Masking drugs in pill form is quite common. No one ever suspects my Vitamin C pills are actually cocaine.


Masking drugs in pill form is quite common. No one ever suspects my Vitamin C pills are actually cocaine.

But you don't.. Swallow... Cocaine?????

@10, not saying I take drugs or anything but the cocaine could be inside a capsule that looks like a pill, then he could open it and snort it. Just an idea :)

Odds are she takes heavier medication than you do.

you just have to sit back and laugh at that, its a simple mistake and hopefully everyone she talked to see the lighter side and realise you Grandma is a little crazy in a funny way !


That's the way my grandma is, she'll do something & be like "Wasn't me" even though everyone knows it's her. sometimes it's her Alzheimer's but other times she does it on purpose ?

I think they just think the older they get. The more they think they're able to get away with. idk lol

Partly it's minor brain issues that remove "filters". It's rarely intentional. It's akin to the expression that drunk words are sober thoughts.

Crossing my fingers no one actually buys that story!

Meth doesn't have shit on some vitamins.

cranberries_fml 17

Well on the positive side, you can now take amphetamines and steroids without a blow to your reputation!

bad luck but be careful of your protein intake i lost a dear friend of mine because he took uncontrolled amounts

How much was he taking?? It had to be overly excessive.

Ingnorants gonna ig. My wife once went utterly off the rails on me because she found what she thought was drugs in the food pantry. It was a ziplock of half the jar of PB2 peanut powder I'd bought. I'd taken the the jar to work and left the ziplock at home to avoid just this situation.

She might have just been desperate for some nasty gossip. Maybe her bingo pal Gretta was talking about how her grandson just got arrested and your gramma didn't want to be left out. Old people can be competitive.

the only solution I can think of is to talk to your grandma about it and explain to her the best you can that it's just protein and vitamins and if she believes you have her tell everyone she told that she mistook what items you had.