By Anonymous - 24/06/2009 02:50 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was upset, so I tried to cheer her up by telling her how much I love her and how beautiful she is. After a minute, her face started to light up. I thought it had worked until I realized that she was being cheered up by the friends she was talking to online. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 180
You deserved it 3 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kiit23 0

I wouldn't worry too much about this. My boyfriend tries to cheer me up by doing the same and sometimes it works, but a lot of the time its not the right kind of cheering up. Dont take offense to someone else doing it, you still did your best to show her that you care. Usually when my bf tries to make things better I'm on my computer talking to a friend that makes me laugh. I'd rather have someone make me laugh than tell me they love me. It's still good to know, but it doesn't exactly fix my bad mood. Be happy that she got better, because I imagine having her upset is far worse than someone else cheering her up.

well said! but girls, please (PLEASE!) tell us what is wrong when you have a bad day. it is a real torture not to know why. :)


Jbiebs82 0

Did u relize this has already been done? But with a guy and a girl and she got cheered up by a utube vid

why can't u just be happy that she is happy? jerk. sure, u tried to be nice, but do u always have to get something in return?

Don't feel so insecure about them not regurgitating their feelings with every little "intimate" moment. A lot of people including myself don't like that obligated feeling to respond when they're upset. I'm not saying don't ever say I love you again but there are appropriate times and this time they need a happy/funny friend, not a rancorous partner.

that's what friends are for and the boyfriend comforts ;)

I suppose you sometimes just expect things like that your boyfriend loves you and thinks you're great and its nice to hear from someone else. Are you upset because she was ignoring you while you were trying to cheer her up?