By Anonymous - 18/04/2016 23:40 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, for the first time in a while I decided to wear a skirt. Everytime I sit down my thighs trap air and make a farting sound. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 256
You deserved it 2 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The worst part is when your legs start to sweat and then it sticks them to the plastic chairs :/

I don't really know what to say as I'm not a girl but I hope not too many people notice or care


mariri9206 32
cprad11 12

I cringed at how awful that was. I'm sorry, but you'll have to try just a little harder. I believe in you.

I don't believe in them, for one it's an overly used idiotic pun, and second she isn't actually farting so it loses its double meaning

mariri9206 32

Overused or not, puns are funny and anyone who is overly bothered them really needs to get a better life. One that doesn't stink. (Yeah, I went there. Bring on the downvotes because, again, IDGAF and it makes me laugh).

It's not that serious don't let it bother u to much Op

MikaykayUnicorn 36

I don't know why you are being downvoted. I'm a girl with chubby thighs and it's just the sound thighs make. It's nothing to be embarrassed by.

I don't really know what to say as I'm not a girl but I hope not too many people notice or care

I'm sure if she noticed it, other people did as well. Although, they probably thought it was a normal fart

It would be better if it made a thunder sound for them thunder thighs

The worst part is when your legs start to sweat and then it sticks them to the plastic chairs :/

hellobobismyname 24

Oh my gosh, that is the worst! When I was getting my hair done at a salon, I was wearing shorts, and they had those paddings on the chairs. When I stood up after I was done, the padding got stuck to the back of my thighs.. I had to peel it off... While everyone watched. Ugh

And then walking around with bright red marks on the back of your thighs afterwards

mariri9206 32

#8, that sounds like a sticky situation. (Yes, yes, I know everyone collectively hates puns for something I'm sure is ridiculous. Bring on the downvotes.)

#40 I was thinking the exact same thing :)

MikaykayUnicorn 36

I was in the car with my boyfriend wearing shorts and my thighs started sweating and I had to peel them off the leather seats. He definitely noticed the sound it made.

All that matters is that you enjoyed wearing them. Don't let that ruin it for you. No one noticed anyway, and they wouldn't have cared, if they did

I'm sorry about that op, but don't use this experience as an excuse not to wear a skirt again. Buy another one and you rock it op!