By Anonymous - 24/06/2009 02:50 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was upset, so I tried to cheer her up by telling her how much I love her and how beautiful she is. After a minute, her face started to light up. I thought it had worked until I realized that she was being cheered up by the friends she was talking to online. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 184
You deserved it 3 789

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kiit23 0

I wouldn't worry too much about this. My boyfriend tries to cheer me up by doing the same and sometimes it works, but a lot of the time its not the right kind of cheering up. Dont take offense to someone else doing it, you still did your best to show her that you care. Usually when my bf tries to make things better I'm on my computer talking to a friend that makes me laugh. I'd rather have someone make me laugh than tell me they love me. It's still good to know, but it doesn't exactly fix my bad mood. Be happy that she got better, because I imagine having her upset is far worse than someone else cheering her up.

well said! but girls, please (PLEASE!) tell us what is wrong when you have a bad day. it is a real torture not to know why. :)


lexilovesyou 0

Did anybody notice how it said anonymous (woman) and she has a girlfriend. Lesbooooooooooooooooo!

#29: You're an idiot, this is 2009, we're not all ignorant pieces of crap, so yes, we noticed that it was a girl talking about her girlfriend, but no, we're not stupid homophobes.

alex_vik 0

Oh **** you people thinking you're all high and mighty because you tolerate homosexuality.

oh come one people just because they pointed it out, that doesn't mean they're homophobic. i might have pointed it out just because i find it hot (as a guy). probably the same reason #29 did.

Icalasari 0

#34: We aren't acting high and mighty. We are being respectful to the OP and trying to weed out irrational hate :P

abcxyz123 0

"Oh **** you people thinking you're all high and mighty because you tolerate homosexuality." its annoying i know

TJStarzZ 8

#29 If she's a lesbo, that would make you a fag. Seriously, she most likely means 'girlfriend' the same way we mean best friend. Not necessarily a lover (it's unclear so I'm not making asusmptions or guessing). Even so, why does it matter if she's gay? As long as she's happy, that's what matters to her, and based frmo your buried comment, it seems like you're the one with the F'ed up life, here.

kiit23 0

I wouldn't worry too much about this. My boyfriend tries to cheer me up by doing the same and sometimes it works, but a lot of the time its not the right kind of cheering up. Dont take offense to someone else doing it, you still did your best to show her that you care. Usually when my bf tries to make things better I'm on my computer talking to a friend that makes me laugh. I'd rather have someone make me laugh than tell me they love me. It's still good to know, but it doesn't exactly fix my bad mood. Be happy that she got better, because I imagine having her upset is far worse than someone else cheering her up.

well said! but girls, please (PLEASE!) tell us what is wrong when you have a bad day. it is a real torture not to know why. :)

platypuscatrat 0

Sometimes it feels like they're just saying it to get you to feel better, which doesn't help.

Yulia_fml 0

Girl don't tell their guys why they're in a bad mood because they're giving you the opportunity to ask. If you can sense something is off (which is usually obvious), you asking her shows her that you care. Many guys don't realize this and just assume that she'll tell you if something is wrong.

yeah i'd wait till they ask. because i don't want to seem like i'm blabbing for no reason. but i never say nothings wrong when there is. i hate stereotypes

intrinsic_value 0

I agree. I don't have a boyfriend, but when I did have a boyfriend, he never seemed to be able to cheer me up. It's really sweet to know that he would say things such as that I'm beautiful and that he loved me, but it wasn't the right kind of words that I needed to cheer up. Laughter is what makes me feel better instead--I love to laugh. Laughing instantly boosts my mood. My best friend, on the other hand, is a guy and he's gay. I really love him because he knows exactly what to say to make me laugh and instantly make my day. My mood always gets better when I'm with him because he's very goofy and wacky, saying the craziest, silliest random things. He's not afraid to do that, and I just love that. Even when I'm on my PMS... talking with him beats my insane craving for chocolate (chocolate usually gets me into a good mood). So whenever I'm in a bad or sad mood, whatever, I go to talk with him. Works every time. He's my go-to person. Wouldn't know what to do without him. And yes, I tolerate homosexuality. (:

I agreed with you entirely until I actually thought about when stuff like this DOES happen to me, and it's a ridiculously shitty feeling. Pretty sure it's not something I'd write about here, but it does suck. Not really an FML or YDI, but uh... That sucks?

Well, like #2 said, that stuff doesn't always work. It may make us feel loved but that doesn't mean we're immediately going to be in a good mood after hearing it. Her friends were probably actually helping and telling her what to do with her situation. Or saying something funny, I don't know.

it happens to me all the timee. my friends make me laugh when my boyfriend can't.

You love her and you think she's beautiful. That's nice to hear and all, and it was sweet of you to say it to try to cheer her up, but you're viewing her in terms of yourself which isn't going to make her feel as fuzzy as you might hope. Not a YDI, but it's a little self-indulgent to complain about.

The OP is a woman, so she's obviously not a bro.

rallets 22

who invited Buzz Killington?

the op is a bro. in the FML, it says girlfriend.

Just be happy she's happy, thats what matter's.

infinityrhyme 0

#12 probably not, unless your fiancee is female. OP, my roommate is the same way with the Internet. He zones everything out.

QuentinM95 0

id try this on my ex, too bad the only thing that made her happy was my best friend, hence= ex... girls suck