By carrottop - 07/01/2011 12:12 - Australia

Today, I finally found out why my fish were dying in their tank. My younger sister had been spraying detergent in there because she wanted "to make the fish smell like lemons". FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 152
You deserved it 3 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knibbsy 4

Spray her in the face with it to teach her that it's not meant for living things. Or, make her eat one of the dead fish so she'll realize they aren't lemony.


derpherp 0

Buy a piraña and tell her too stick her pinky in there >:(

Why so hatin' the lemon-smelling fish? :(

InnocentLies 0

Well it doesn't say how old is she. Maybe she didn't know better.

so the fish had to suffer for that blatant ignorance? bs. punish her.

Sure but it's her sister. If my parents caught me punishing my little brother, I myself would be severely punished. Vicious circle for sure. Just rat her out :)

rallets 22

that explains all the fish deaths..what did she do to the birds? o_O

squirt lemons on her crotch & tell her you wanted her fish to smell like lemons... do this in front of her friends.

knibbsy 4

Spray her in the face with it to teach her that it's not meant for living things. Or, make her eat one of the dead fish so she'll realize they aren't lemony.

I dont know why this made me lol....@op that is when you put her hand in warm water when shes sleeping.

my sister used to have a blue fish. she named it Bluey(:

drayloon 50
perdix 29

Put a little butter and pepper on them, toss them on the barby and you've got some good eats! Have a Foster's with that, mate!

perdix 29

Of course you CAN, Kay, but MAY you??? Is this ax-kick something you do with your mouth? I'd go to Urban Dictionary, but I have only one free hand right now.

I think she's at the age where you're supposed to hide detergent and stuff from the kids, so it prevents them from doing things like this.

See how she likes smelling like a kicked ass.