By well then - 30/05/2015 05:40 - United States - Forest Park

Today, my girlfriend randomly confessed to basically having a "phobia" of monogamy. But don't worry, she defensively assured me she's never ever cheated on me, even though I never said she had, so I guess that's okay then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 793
You deserved it 2 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I first read this I thought it said mahogany. Lol

She must live in constant panicky fear if she has a phobia of monogamy and yet claims to have been monogamous. Yeah, right. Smells fishy to me.


BlockOfRedStone 25

To be fair, it's expected that OP would have asked her about that. It sounds like she anticipated the question of her loyalty, but then made herself look like she actually IS cheating by not waiting to see if he actually was going to ask her about it.

Yes, it's true that she could've just been anticipating his next question and decided to answer it before he asked, however, the whole conversation was weird in itself. Why bring up the fact that you basically have a "phobia" of monogamy if you're in a monogamous relationship and not cheating or planning to cheat? Either she's already cheating or is warning op she may cheat later on and that it's not her fault because it's a "phobia."

She must live in constant panicky fear if she has a phobia of monogamy and yet claims to have been monogamous. Yeah, right. Smells fishy to me.

That's probably because OP's girlfriend hasn't closed her legs.

Cheating doesn't cause your gentials to smell..? Lack of hygiene does..

SystemofaBlink41 27

And over here we can see the joke flying miles above #48...

It all depends if you're willing to accept her flaws or not. Is she worth it?

I don't think you know what monogamy is.

Cheating is not a flaw, it's a stupid reason to break someone's heart.

It's his girlfriend not his wife. If he is willing to accept a polyamorous relationship than all is well. if he is not, then they go their seperate ways. This comment is legit folks. No need to down vote.

When I first read this I thought it said mahogany. Lol

countryb_cth 38

Ahahha I could picture it now. OP's gf looking at cabinets "oh god anything but mahogany. The horror! "

Frindaddy 13

Same here. I think I have a fetish...

It's Oak-kay, I read it the same way too

I know I'm probably gonna get downvoted but what is monogamy

here ya go #55 Monogamy (/məˈnɒɡəmi/ mə-NOG-ə-mee) is a form of relationship in which an individual has only one partner during their lifetime or at any one time (serial monogamy), as compared to polygyny, polyandry, or polyamory.

Marshmallowjello 22

Exactly! I thought that op misspelt mohogany.

xRiverSongx 17
mif_fml 27

Sounds like she either is cheating or seriously considering it.

castleofg1ass 19

I think its time to find a new girlfriend who shares the sane views as you Win win for both of you, you get a faithful gf and your old can **** around

You know, this doesn't have to be a bad thing. You could have an open relationship and see other girls too. Its funny how one mans fml is anothers fantasy.

OP do yourself a favor and shoot number 8 your girls number.

If I wanted an open relationship, I'd just date several people at once and not classify any of them as a relationship, But I wouldn't do that because it's enough hassle dealing with one person. If you want to see other people, don't let it get to boyfriend/girlfriend status.

if you are looking for a serious relationship I would leave

nesteremily 31

I think it's time to have a serious talk and get your priorities straight. FYL