By Anonymous - 15/02/2015 16:02 - United States - La Grande

Today, my girlfriend confessed to cheating on me. Unfortunately, she's a pathological liar and I can't be sure if it's really true, along with half the stuff she tells me on a daily basis. Love is hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 147
You deserved it 11 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Merylwen 24

Why are you even with someone like that, since you can't trust her? o_O

I had a friend like that. I wasn't sure if half the stories she told me were true or not. She had an entire life made up (I think)


Merylwen 24

Why are you even with someone like that, since you can't trust her? o_O

Pseudologia Fantastica can't be helped it's a psychological illness

#8 true, but that doesn't mean it allows for a good relationship.

I'm going to get downvoted for this. I put FYL because I've been there and it really hurts. But I also put YDI because you put up with her bs yet are posting fmls when you continually put yourself in this situation.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

ya op u should get out of that relationship. I dated someone like that and never realized what a relationship could truly be like until I found someone truthful. its so rewarding and fruitful to be with someone who actually "adds" to you...rather than causes stress and the unknown.

I also agree he should get out of the relationship. Her lying about cheating, true or not, is the perfect opportunity to end it. I say OP should take the chance while it lasts.

Can't have a healthy relationship without trust

i think if he loves her he should try to help her get some help for her condition. it is a real thing and not something she can help. just because she has an illness does not mean she shouldn't find someone to love and who loves her. everyone deserves happiness

I can relate to this situation a lot, because I'm a pathological liar as well. The thing is, 75% of the time I don't realize I'm lying, and it's gotten to the point where I can't tell the difference between lies and memories... But for this situation, I believe she feels guilty of her condition, and this is her way of pushing OP away cause she feels bad for putting him through this. What she needs is support, though. My boyfriend has been helping me catch myself when I lie, and I've been lying far less ever since. :)

I also had a relationship like this, and breaking up is muuuuuch much much easier said than done. In some situations it's the better way to go. In others the person could be lying because of, for example, ******** parents who conditioned the behavior from when the person was a little kid. Sometime you need to try to help people like this, and sometime it's not in vain.

I also had a relationship like this, and breaking up is muuuuuch much much easier said than done. In some situations it's the better way to go. In others the person could be lying because of, for example, ******** parents who conditioned the behavior from when the person was a little kid. Sometime you need to try to help people like this, and sometime it's not in vain.

PSYqualiac 17

#90, FML registers both. It just was pointless.

I had a friend like that. I wasn't sure if half the stories she told me were true or not. She had an entire life made up (I think)

Plot twist: you're actually the pathological liar and you made this entire story up.

I've got a friend like this too. She lies straight to my face, and if I call her out on it she flips it and changes her story. I don't understand how people can tell lies everyday, what do they achieve by doing so?

Dude, it's a disorder- it it's not supposed to make much sense. As for why (subjectively), do you ever tell jokes? You say something untrue, people listen, you get to be creative and if you do it well, others might even enjoy it- it's kinda like that, but a lot less socially acceptable if caught.

Look "psychopath" up, may be that your friend is one, many actual psychopaths do that on a daily bases

PSYqualiac 17

#106, Psychopaths don't inherently lie. YOU need to look the word up because you clearly need to learn what a Psychopath actually is. Some psychoparhs are liars, not all liars are psychopaths.

Break up with her, and if she says she was lying, just say you were as well. PROBLEM SOLVED by Mr. Concise.

I understand the thought process there, but that's a really terrible way to maintain a relationship. l

It's actually just a terrible solution in general because it's not even true security. Just fake reassurance. I'm still a problem solver, guys, I swear.

A lie inside a lie? sounds like Lyingception!

30, I really hope I was correct in assuming this was a South Park reference.

If she's lying about lying, then she's still lying, so it could still be true

You shouldn't be with someone you can't trust.

I think it's time to find a new girlfriend. If you can't trust a word that comes out of her mouth, why on earth would you commit yourself to a relationship with her?

Relationships are built on mural trust. I don't understand why you would choose to be with someone you can't trust.

everton99 16

You're really PAINTING the image of a perfect relationship right now, 7.

Turn the table around, say you've cheated and gage her reaction.

martin8337 35

You need to break up with her because there is no trust. A relationship without trust is doomed for failure. Cut your losses and get out now.

Yeah love is hard when you choose to stay with someone like Far away.