By FarisH - 31/05/2010 09:15 - Jordan

Today, I went to my orthodontist where I was informed that I'll going to the prom, to my brother's wedding, and maybe to university with braces in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 097
You deserved it 9 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had braces for years... many people do.... jeez, get over it princess.

Having braces doesnt suck.. its normal. But what is GOING to suck is actually wearing them. It HURTS like hell .. your lips get BROKEN inside the mouth. The pain lasts for a week. And then every time u meet orthodontist (every month) its going to hurt AGAIN .. for some days. .. I have braces :D


Hi_Itz_Me 0

a lot of people have braces..

Hi_Itz_Me 0

sorry, didnt mean to comment on your comment

I have braces too. sucks doesn't it?

would you rather have ****** up teeth later jn life?

exactly... maybe try invisalign if your that upset

kofinater 3

I'm glad i have naturally straight teeth

Invisalign only works for touch-ups, it doesn't work like braces.

Ive had braces for 5 1/2 years, and i'm probably having them in for a few more years. Its worth it in the end.

Jennark 0

hey make the best out of it. at least u will have straight teeth and for now a sick grille. 

True. I wish I'd gotten braces younger. And I think they're cute. Tell people they're platinum. But please, please keep them clean.

May the thief is just another GTA player. Amen. 

Having braces doesnt suck.. its normal. But what is GOING to suck is actually wearing them. It HURTS like hell .. your lips get BROKEN inside the mouth. The pain lasts for a week. And then every time u meet orthodontist (every month) its going to hurt AGAIN .. for some days. .. I have braces :D

not for everyone. I like getting my braces tightened, it feels kind of good. and my teeth were only sore for about 2 days after. and my braces never cut up my cheeks or my lips. BUT.. what does hurt like HELL is getting springs. it was the worst pain I've ever been in, and I've burned all the skin off of my arm. it feels like they're slowly wrenching your jaw off. it hurts SO bad, and it hurt for like a week. ow.

kennaem1 11

I don't know what YOU are talking about good sir. I have braces and they don't hurt that bad.

Lol im 14 and everyone has braces not at that age though

haha^^ yea be happy its now not later