
By Anonymous - 30/08/2023 08:00 - United Kingdom - Wakefield

Today, I went to my GP to discuss my anxiety. As I was explaining my symptoms, I accidentally farted loudly due to my nervousness. The doctor paused and said, "Well, let's address that as well." FML.
I agree, your life sucks 605
You deserved it 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki 17

Normally when people go to the doctor their issues suddenly won’t show, so this is actually perfect!

At which point you did the old Ace Ventura gag where you bent over, parted your ass cheeks, and said "Doc, can I ASS you a few questions?", thereby removing any anxious feelings you had.


Nikki 17

Normally when people go to the doctor their issues suddenly won’t show, so this is actually perfect!

At which point you did the old Ace Ventura gag where you bent over, parted your ass cheeks, and said "Doc, can I ASS you a few questions?", thereby removing any anxious feelings you had.