By Anonymous - 13/12/2014 16:19 - United States - Memphis

Today, my girlfriend confessed that she's been cheating on me for the past two months. Apparently she thought I'd take it well, because when I yelled at her for being a heartless bitch, she stuttered "S-sike!" and tried to play it off as a prank. She's acting like we're still dating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 986
You deserved it 3 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's terrible. Cut her loose. Always more fish in the sea.

If there's more fish in the sea, apparently she's been sleeping with the fishes.

OP did cut her loose. She just doesn't get it.

Maybe you should read the FML again before asking. It says that she tried to play it off as a prank after OP yelled at her. She most likely didn't expect that. In other words: Yes, she did cheat.

I saw that; I was trying to clarify. Quit responding to my comments with a pejorative tone.

This is gonna get so many dislikes, but the fml comments section is sensitive. One simple harmless question and someones like:shut up, or read it again. Just asking:can people on fml be nicer

35 - I hear ya, man. The comment section here is a lot more brutal than the Youtube community, and that's saying something.

Or learn to READ so you don't ask stupid questions?

tantanpanda 26

I mean, nothing is clearer than just slowly rereading the fml. You can thus skip the imtermediate step of making yourself look like a fool.

Usually to get better grades... or better booty.

people cheat because they're not getting what they need/want out of their current relationship. not condoning it or justifying it, just explaining what I've learned

jthmtwin 16

Or maybe they want both the first guy/girl for one thing but the second for another?

33 is pretty much spot on. As someone who's done it before, it's a horrible thing to do to another person, no matter the reasons for doing it. I'm much more aware now than I was back then that if you're unhappy, you speak up and try to communicate, or you break it off completely. Some people just get caught up in their own frustrations so much that the solution isn't as obvious as it would be to most. I'm not condoning cheating either, but those who cheat seem to always be labelled by overly judgmental people (ex:"once a cheater always a cheater) ... Some people don't seem to understand that people can learn from their mistakes and change. Some cheaters are just assholes, but it's not always that cut and dry.

Some people make a mistake and end up with a child. Some people make a mistake and end up in a car accident. Some people make a mistake and end up balls deep in someone else. And some people just don't care enough to break up with one person before hooking up with another.

DogeMan 14

People cheat becuase they meet someone they think they like more and stuff happens

people cheat because they're too selfish to break up with the person they're already in a relationship with. usually it's for money or support. either way, people who cheat are usually inconsiderate and hella ******* gross.

mischiefkel 17

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She went a bit far when she decided to cheat. I say she deserves to be called a heartless bitch because that's what she is if she truly did cheat.

At least she owned up to it, and didn't leave OP to find her in bed with someone else. Maybe she tried to pull it off as a joke because she got scared when OP yelled at her. I cry/get scared when people are mad and yell at me so it is a possibility.

what was she expecting him to do?? smile and forgive her immediately? if she got scared, that's her own fault. maybe she shouldn't have cheated.

Maybe she was expecting for them to be able to talk it out and maybe salvage their relationship. If she tried to pull it off as a prank I'd doubt she was telling him to break up with him.

Why would someone want to salvage a relationship with an untrustworthy cheater?

Maybe they've been together for years. I'm not saying cheaters are great, but people change. People are constantly changing and maybe, just maybe the girlfriend feels awful about it and wants to start over. I can see you can't be budged on your opinion of cheaters so I don't know why I'm even responding anymore.

She may have opened up about it but two months later..still a bitch

My brother and his wife did that, and they seem to be doing well.

Before I begin, I have a VERY hard time correctly explaining what I mean, so I might use absolutes or harsh descriptions that are slightly off. Please forgive me ahead of time. I've cheated, regretted it almost instantly. So, I'm a cheater for life? I will always cheat? No, not at all. This misconception about cheaters is highly incorrect. It may be true in some cases but I've found that the majority of cheating is due to one party not getting what they want from their current relationship. A simple fix, if they had the guts (slightly harsh, this is what I was talking about earlier, I don't mean it to be harsh at all, just have a hard time explaining or finding better euphemisms until it's way too late and someone gets hurt by what I say) to speak with their partner, it could be avoided and they can go on living an honest relationship. By saying "a cheater is always a cheater" you're saying that everyone that cheats has something physical/biological to them that they can't break. Not even given them the benefit of possibly just having a habit of being a moron which could be fixed by establishing a new habit that makes them loyal to one individual. People can change, in most cases. You might not be saying this, but it surely does fit with the absolute of "always." Do you see where I'm coming from? If not, don't fret, all in all, I'm simply trying to say that cheaters won't necessarily ALWAYS be cheaters. They might grow out of it, they can develop new habits if they have someone they want to change for, they could of simply made a HUGE mistake, they could learn that instead of cheating they should talk with their partner and see if they can fix their troubles or possibly just take separate paths, etcetera.

Hang in there, OP. Someone worth your love will come along

Malahkaa 19

So three options here; 1 anal 2 lots of Xmas presents 3 dump her ( but after 1 and 2....)

"You heartless bitch, how dare you cheat on me!...... sooooooo you wanna have anal and exchange Christmas gifts?" #9's logic

jojimugo 20

He's dating a psycho guy? I think if I were OP, I'd be pretty upset to find that my girlfriend has been lying to me and is in fact a psycho dude...

xluciferx666 21

At least you found out now rather than later and are rid of her

Cut her lose, she's obviously not worth it.