By Anonymous - 08/04/2009 04:03 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend and I were outside tanning in the sun. I asked her if she could put some sunscreen on my back. Thinking it would be funny, she used the lotion to write "I Love Little Boys". I work as a children's swimming instructor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 645
You deserved it 6 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your girlfriend must be made of pure win, that's hilarious. Just wear a shirt..

if its on your back, clearly you couldnt write it on yourself.


Yeah, I was thinking the same as #12, how would you not notice she was writing rather than massaging the stuff into your skin?

I agree with #1 - jokes like that are never funny. The OP does not need to "lighten up" and his girlfriend does not have an awesome sense of humor. The media has several people all wound up about pedophiles and child abuse. All it would take is one overly cautious parent to see that, and the police will end up being called. Just because some people think it's cool doesn't mean everyone, especially people with small children, are going to see it that way.

Haha you should of thought about that in the first place, you practically ****** yourself. YDI

Your friend is an asshole. But you still should have noticed.

i dont get this. you forgot another part of the story. were you at work and people saw, or at home and your parents saw, what? its only FML if something funny happened in the end. you just ended with "i work as a childrens swimming instructor". so? i work as a salesman. just cuz somebody wrote somthing on my back doesnt mean my life is ******

#25, you and a long string of people are assholes for determining if this particular FML is actually an FML. It's here, posted and apparently the MOD thought it was an FML, so STUF and go bitch somewhere else.

Empleh 4

Wear a T-shirt and have a laugh about it.

I agree with #12. How in the hell would you not say something to her about not spreading it over your skin? I'm calling bullshit...and stoopid on the mods for actually posting this despite how funny this situation would be if actually true. Anyone ever see police academy? Hey Dork Also, #25 - if you can't understand that the reason behind this fake FML is that he works with children as a swimming instructor which requires males to be shirtless you're an idiot and you should post an FML that you didn't get this FML. FYL

musu_fml 0

Why would you not notice that your girlfriend was writing something with a fingertip rather than rubbing the cream on with her palms? The options: A: You were asleep (stupid to sleep in the sun). B: You were drunk (stupid to drink in the sun, as it can lead to A). C: You knew she was writing something but didn't know what and didn't bother to find out (Just plain stupid). D: You're making this up.

#1 and #22 - It's assholes like you that refuse to listen to anything. Yes, there's child abuse. Yes, there are molesters and pedos. But there are also people who are patient enough to listen to him explain. So please. Take your whiny asses somewhere else. It's a situation his girlfriend took advantage of. Suck it up. #25 - Unless you have to walk around shirtless for your job, you can't relate. So shut up. As for the OP, that sucks that your girlfriend pulled that on you. Especially with that job. Just explain if asked. Hopefully they're not totally ignorant. Until it wears off, just wear a shirt.