By bad in the sack - 05/07/2014 04:26 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were having sex. She was on top, and then stopped, got off, and said, "Let's go get ice cream." I think this was her way of telling me I suck at sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 159
You deserved it 11 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rp713 4

If she was on top she was in control, why should it be your fault?

Or maybe she just has different priorities, or A.D.D... But you probably do suck in this case.


Its possible she got bored and rather than tell you and hurt your feelings she decided to say it in a roundabout way.

If she was on top then it would be her to suck at sex cause she has control. I would ask her why she did it. Good luck.

She was either hungry or bored. Ice cream does sound good.

I agree with #15. try and make her your Sunday dessert. but seriously, it happens to the best of us after a while. perhaps your sex life has become too routine with positions and all that. try doing something different and spice it up. you'll be back on top in no time.

Kylie_Is_Meh 3

Or maybe she just wanted some damn ice cream.

That's what I thought reading this lol...sometimes really good sex makes me hungry for something sweet also for some reason. Happens to my girlfriends too, I don't think OP's gf was trying to insult him.

Sex makes me hungry lol. Especially good sex, and it's always for something sweet. Sometimes girls hormones **** with our heads and all we can think about is food...I think OPs GF is just being female and I wouldn't take that as an insult. ;)

Haha that's kind of hilarious no offense .. Just take it in and work on it and and make sure that watch ally of **** :)

Well maybe she just wanted something cold. It isn't like she said she wanted Better Than Sex Cake.