Check yourself

By Anonymous - 18/03/2021 14:58 - United States - Bothell

Today, the dorm above me had their toilet pipe break and leak through my ceiling, so I have to move rooms. The worst part was I answered the door to let the repairman in while I was in pajamas, but he looked uncomfortable. I didn't notice until he left that my 'thing' was poking out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 643
You deserved it 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i said you deserved it because you're a grown ass adult who called a penis a "thing"

Time to buy pajamas that don't have a fly.


Time to buy pajamas that don't have a fly.

Glitterbaby2613 20

i said you deserved it because you're a grown ass adult who called a penis a "thing"