By bad in the sack - 05/07/2014 04:26 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were having sex. She was on top, and then stopped, got off, and said, "Let's go get ice cream." I think this was her way of telling me I suck at sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 159
You deserved it 11 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rp713 4

If she was on top she was in control, why should it be your fault?

Or maybe she just has different priorities, or A.D.D... But you probably do suck in this case.


Ice Cream > Sex anyway ;-) You can have it in public everywhere and you can do it with pretty much anybody.

If she's on top and she gets bored, SHE's doing it wrong.

Look on the bright side- at least you have Ice cream!

therealjc_fml 14

Dude. It's ice cream! I probably would've been like great idea... Let's go.

ladyg228 15

Maybe he couldn't keep it up and she got bored.

Maybe she finished first and didn't care if you were finished?

ostfaiz 18

mind your position next time..swap it

She wants to scream for ice cream because you weren't making her scream!

I seriously suck on top. Dont feel bad bro. Ice cream is a good thing :) sounds like youve got a fun girl