By bad in the sack - 05/07/2014 04:26 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were having sex. She was on top, and then stopped, got off, and said, "Let's go get ice cream." I think this was her way of telling me I suck at sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 159
You deserved it 11 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rp713 4

If she was on top she was in control, why should it be your fault?

Or maybe she just has different priorities, or A.D.D... But you probably do suck in this case.


its obvious you dont need a tele-SCOOP to see it

NodakN8V 25

Sounds like it's "hmm the ceiling needs to be painted" comment next time she's on top

If she was on you, it's kinda her job to make it good. What can you do laying down?

birds_fml 7

You can rub her clit. You've got both hands free, so put your thumb between her legs and rub it.

I love sex with my boyfriend but I'm easily distracted and sometimes I can start thinking of stuff or get bored but it's not his fault! maybe she just got distracted and had to have some ice cream! Or you just have to make sex more interesting. try something new! blow her mind! ;)

She probably is telling you you're bad. Or maybe she's sick of you getting off and then doing nothing to try and get her off. Put some more effort into her pleasure and she won't do that again

keep the oole straight it solves all the issues...

RedPillSucks 31

Takes two to have good sex

I dunno, man. I might stop mid-thrust to get some Ben & Jerry's Cinnamon Buns. That shit is like an ****** for the taste buds.