By Moanie - 15/03/2009 22:45 - United States

Today, my parents were taking a tour of my apartment when my bird started making noises. It was mimicking my moans from when I was having sex yesterday. It was screaming in my voice, very noticeably. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 364
You deserved it 29 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hahaha that's AWESOME. My cousins had a parrot that used to mimic my aunt's voice calling out for the maid, so the maid kept running up to an empty room thinking my aunt was calling her. Then sometimes the parrot would also mimic the maid responding "yes?" - that's when you know a bird is awesome, when it has conversations with itself How did your parents respond?! lol

JP1988_fml 0

At least the sex was good, right? He got you screaming.... ;-)


Hahaha that's AWESOME. My cousins had a parrot that used to mimic my aunt's voice calling out for the maid, so the maid kept running up to an empty room thinking my aunt was calling her. Then sometimes the parrot would also mimic the maid responding "yes?" - that's when you know a bird is awesome, when it has conversations with itself How did your parents respond?! lol

TurtleGenius 0

I wonder what it was thinking..

JP1988_fml 0

At least the sex was good, right? He got you screaming.... ;-)

wrestler_fml 0
Bubs_fml 0

We rescued a macaw from a bad home where it was neglected. Despite that, it still had quite the vocabulary, sounding much like the woman who owned him previously. "Huh?" "Knock it off!" "No, you knock it off!" Rubbed his beak on things and goes "Goochie goochie goo!" Whistles, sings songs, the works. Just about everything except, of course, moaning. xD