By steven - 24/06/2009 15:33 - Canada

Today, my friend said he'd give me 20 bucks if I would ask out the ugliest girl in school. I did it. She rejected me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 987
You deserved it 112 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Probably because she knew you were doing it as a joke. you're a jerk you asshole.


so how is this a fml? you got 20 just for asking her out not if she said yes or no. it was kinda a dick move on your part anyways so YDI

and this has nothing to do with karma...retard

AndelleRae 9

Actually, the definition of karma: Action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation. In laments terms, what goes around comes around. Clearly, even though he didn't care about this "ugly" girl, it hurt him in some way to be rejected by her. He set out to hurt her by asking her out on a bet. Ergo, he tried to hurt her, and she ended up hurting him.

Serves you right you douche. What's with guys making bets to ask out girls they don't think are appealing? Gagh men are stupid, especially you.

ohkari 0

That's why when my friend asked me to do the exact same thing, I told him no.

Purdyxpinkxstar 0

Good, you totally deserved it. I wish more guys like you got turned down more oftehn.. Jackass

Why is this a FML? This looks like a win-win situation. You get twenty bucks, she gets to blow off someone who sounds like a little bit of a jackass.

flyingpan8 0

you are such a ******* loser. **** you for calling people ugly.

IllegalLight 0

YDI. what if she really liked you? Do you have no regards for other people's feelings?