By steven - 24/06/2009 15:33 - Canada

Today, my friend said he'd give me 20 bucks if I would ask out the ugliest girl in school. I did it. She rejected me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 987
You deserved it 112 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Probably because she knew you were doing it as a joke. you're a jerk you asshole.


dgafprincess90 0

ydi asshole thats ****** up shit shes gonna turn out to be a very successful business woman n your gonna be the 45 yr old dude still living with your parents ydi

just because someone is ugly, doesnt mean theyre gonna be successful.

ya u asked her so he owes you 20$. from what I read he didn't mention anything about her having to say yes to go on a date in order to recieve the money.

Redneck325Ci 0

YDI for being a douche nozzle. She probably realized that you have an inverted penis and didn't want anything to do with you because of the lack of satisfaction. Hopefully the rest of the school finds out that you got turned down by her and they all make fun of you and/or this chicks older brother, if she has one..kicks your ass.

After being such a ********, did you really expect people to sympathize with you? YDI completely.

thetr00per 0

epic failure on 2 levels 1. you're a douche bag 2. you was soo asking for it..

lingfeng 0

LOL you *totally* deserved that one. Just because she may not be the most attractive girl doesn't make her an idiot, you know, nor does it make her desperate enough to say "yes" to any guy who asks her out. She could probably tell you were being a jackass.

YDI: it proves that even "the ugliest girl" has dignity.

YDI, are you 5 years old to ask someone out for a bet ?