Silver linings

By 10 years, 0 dates - 28/11/2020 11:03

Today, I wanted to ask out this cute girl I used to work with. Before I could, she said she likes my only friend there, and asked if could I set them up. Trying to be nice guy and good friend, I did. Then she made her complete lack of interest in me obvious. But hey, at least the gay guy she hung out with thought I was cute. FML
I agree, your life sucks 835
You deserved it 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, that’s rough! But now you can cross that gal off your list of “possibles”. Not everyone is going to like you, you have to keep trying with different gals. One of them will appreciate you.

betterdaysahead 14

hey cheer up. so she is not into you not such bad thing think this way you learned a few things about her move on find the person who really likes you for you and enjoy being around you.


OP, that’s rough! But now you can cross that gal off your list of “possibles”. Not everyone is going to like you, you have to keep trying with different gals. One of them will appreciate you.

betterdaysahead 14

hey cheer up. so she is not into you not such bad thing think this way you learned a few things about her move on find the person who really likes you for you and enjoy being around you.

OP, you must be pretty dense. You say she wanted YOU to set her up with YOUR FRIEND, and you did it. Then you say "Then she made her complete lack of interest in me obvious." So, that fact wasn't obvious when she asked you to set her up with your friend?