By ArmyMan - 24/06/2009 16:37 - United Arab Emirates

Today, I enlisted for The Navy because my Boy Scout leader encouraged me. He fought in Korea and is a real inspiration. I asked him what motivated him to join The Navy. He said he was drunk and didn't remember joining until he was called up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 809
You deserved it 9 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coldplaylive2003 0

You're old enough to join the navy and still in the boy scouts?

@ 1: Maybe he enlisted as a result of his former Boy Scout leader, but yes you can still be in scouts at age 18. OP: If he's a real inspiration and encouraged you to enlist, how did you not discuss his motivation to join until now?


coldplaylive2003 0

You're old enough to join the navy and still in the boy scouts?

Heazie 0

You can enlist before you are 18.

Heazie 0

Also, once a Boy Scout, always a Boy Scout.

That's not true my brother was a boyscout when he was younger but stopped after he turned 10.

So your brother quit. Obviously this guy didn't.

NDnation44 0

y th **** would u be in boyscouts and join th navy i hope those knot tying skills will come in handy

Scouts are more likely to survive in the wild then people who play CoD all day. He would be an excellent solider if he was in the boyscouts till he was 18 because he knows a hell of alot more then the average man. Scouts do more then knot tying, you know.

If you looked, it's from Dubai, so it's probably something a bit different from what we know as Boy Scouts.

you can technically be in venture scouts until you are 21, and a adult leader after that.

why didn't you join the mens department; The Few, The Proud, The Marines? oh nvm you indian

u can still b in boy scouts in. like high school

u can be a boy scout till u r an eagle scout, so for however long that takes, you could be 19 pr 20 and still be a boy scout

n_epic_fail 14

ha! being an 18 year old boy scout doesn't make u a better "man" it means the minuet u head into "Navy bootcamp" u realize how much of a man u aren't.

crazy things happen when you're drunk. d:

ajsciri4 0

Doesn't mean he's any less of an inspiration, he's still one of the countries' heroes.

SnakeGuy4000 0

Well, it's a FML, because, appearently, he signed up for the Navy on accident, and now has to join, that explain enough?

I wish these FMLs had A "Who Cares" Button. :P

SnakeGuy4000 0
jg600 0

Agreed. WGAF (Who Gives a F***)

Vren 0

Maybe he has bad war memories and is trying to downplay it?

kawaiimomo 0

@ 1: Maybe he enlisted as a result of his former Boy Scout leader, but yes you can still be in scouts at age 18. OP: If he's a real inspiration and encouraged you to enlist, how did you not discuss his motivation to join until now?

see where "blind trust" gets you? People tell you to make INFORMED decisions for a reason