By steven - 24/06/2009 15:33 - Canada

Today, my friend said he'd give me 20 bucks if I would ask out the ugliest girl in school. I did it. She rejected me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 988
You deserved it 112 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Probably because she knew you were doing it as a joke. you're a jerk you asshole.


No, he deserved it because he was basically asking someone out to make fun of them. It's bad enough he calls her the ugliest girl in school. She's probably nice and goes for guys who aren't insensitive jerks. OP probably has one of the ugliest personalities in his school.

Ouchdude 0

Meh. I think you definitely lost that one by getting rejected.

TheUnnamedOne 0

@ #64 - Exactly what I was thinking

lol maybe your the most ugly guy in your school.

towell777 0

hes not being shallow maybe she is just insanely ugly

Will you guys please stop hijacking the comments? That's just as bad as people saying "FIRST!"

beast92 2

agreed with number 64 that's just a bitch move

Excuse me, but most of us are writing from the (crappy) country called the USA, where our law allows us to speak as we wish (unless it's against the government or other powerful agencies). So we have the right to chat if we want. Unless the French fml owners decide to revoke that permission.

First off, you are providing your rights for support but still bad-mouth the country. In a way, you love the rights you are given but call it crap. Then you don't consider how the "WORLD Wide web" is not only relation to America. Lastly, what you said has nothing to do with his previous post. You are just replying complete Off Topic to the comment you're replying to. Meaning you are abusing the reply button by doing so. Edit: Don't be intolerable against the French.

just because shes ugly, doesnt mean she has lower standards

Yes he did. Imagine if that had been your sister and some other jackass had done the same thing. Not nice right? She rejected you because she probably knew it was a joke and is used to shallow bastards like yourself making her life just that more difficult. Get some morals and stop judging on looks.

sugar_bear 0

this same thing happened to me. and i rejected that asshole because i thought HE was ugly. people like this make me sick

nxkftw 0

Noo you got it wrong.. You were supposed to ask yourself out.. ******.

Yea, dude, you're an asshole! Geez, it's bad enough you're callin her ugly! Do you have any idea how bad some girls feel about themselves? And people wonder why...

Probably because she knew you were doing it as a joke. you're a jerk you asshole.

true, just because someone is unattractive or unpopular doesn't mean they're stupid.

wait are you a redhead named steven fitzgerald? cause if you are then I know why xD

22cute 17

You are much much uglier than her on the inside.

She probably didn't know it was a joke, but simply said no because she didn't like the op. Just because someone is unattractive doesn't mean they will go out with whoever asks them. She obviously has higher standards than that

ayuhme 0

well there's this saying, karma's a bitch

rallets 22

ahh "karma" gets thrown around alot on here it gets used so much. i think karma is a ****

Yeah, if you ever find yourself 'crossing paths' with Karma, you'd better get tested...

lol, my friend's name is actually "Karma"..poor guy, everyone going around abusing the word. xD;; and of course the girl has standards or knew this was a joke. good for her. :)

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haha yea, we do that all the time at our school, we just never get paid lol

It said "gave", so yes. He got paid $20 to get rejected by an ugly girl.

you're an ass. you deserve it for playing with a poor girl's feelings.

I agree. It's a terrible thing to do. Just because they're supposedly "ugly" doesn't mean they're idiots. Honestly. And calling her "ugly" is an asshole move too. So she's not pretty to YOU. Maybe she is to someone else.

lemonypower 6

I ****** love death note 

SomeGuy1234 0

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HAHAHAHA!!! Nice thought! But the OP deserved it for trying to play with the girl's feelings!

JML210 6

just because she's the ugliest girl there doesn't necesscerliy mean she is classified as ugly.

rek001 0

maybe it's because you're the ugliest guy at the school. shouldn't have been cocky!

Ms_Thingie 0

Maybe he is a loser and even ugly people don't go out with asssholes and it's really annoying when guys think they r hot and any girl would go out with them that is just stupid like seriously WTF

she probably caught on to the fact that you don't actually like her. ugly doesn't mean stoopid.

She probably found you to be a pretty ugly person on the inside.