By Anonymous - 11/04/2009 08:07 - Canada

Today, I went to Britney's concert. About halfway through the show, the person next to me turns to me and asks, "Can you do me a favour?" Thinking that she wanted me to look after her stuff, I said sure. Her next sentence was: "Can you stop singing?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 081
You deserved it 44 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jennaleighhh 0

Thats the problem with concerts. Yes, I know how much you love the person you're seeing. But for the sake of everyone else, don't sing. We came to see britney, not you. Let it be enjoyable for others as well.

Had she heard Britney live before? You were probably better.


jennaleighhh 0

Thats the problem with concerts. Yes, I know how much you love the person you're seeing. But for the sake of everyone else, don't sing. We came to see britney, not you. Let it be enjoyable for others as well.

skullbashd 3

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KrazyKatz3 26

That's not the point of a concert. There are CDs. You go to a concert for the atmosphere including singing with people....

ima_krackerr 0

Ouch, I'm sorry that sucks :(... but really, everyone sings along at concerts and you can never tell how loud you're singing because everything else is really loud.. so that lady was just being a bitchfaceee

that's bullshit. if you sing along at any metal or rock concert, u will get pinballed.

carnage1106 0

to the op it's favor and that lady was just being a jerk

you dont need to sing thats why u go to concerts idiots

I hate ppl like who overpowers the voice of the freaking SINGER with their horrible voice that sounds like a pole getting shoved up a cows behind. Yeah, I hate inconsiderate ppl like you, OP.

daytonatrbo 1

You really shouldn't be correcting spelling if you are unaware that words are spelled differently in other countries.

SpunkT 0

You deserve it for going to a Britney Spears concert. Haha.

wowfmlife 0

i guess britney combined with you must have been an awful noise that no one should ever have to hear so i dont blame her, except for actually paying to go see that

gorgeousnightmar 0

random but I love your Bo burnham picture :)

Had she heard Britney live before? You were probably better.

no matter how good your singing is, they've come to hear another singer.

manoverboard 0

;o Pwned at a Britney Spears concert.

wowfmlife 0

britney is horrible enough so, combined with you, the lady's ears were probably bleeding

Aww don't take it that bad she probably just wanted to hear Britney sing. Just start singing louder, I'm sure she'd like that :)

You should have a guess of how good of a singer you are, but that was still rude of her.