By emilyxoxoxo - 21/03/2009 16:11 - United States

Today, my friend and I thought it would be funny if we could both fit into her big sweatpants. When we tried to take a step, she fell on top of me. She started peeing uncontrollably. We had to cut ourselves out of the sweatpants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 620
You deserved it 37 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i once got stuck in a recliner with my best friend and had to pee. She didn't believe me and wouldn't let me up, and I was really stuck. Her not letting me up made me mad and then I started laughing nervously because I didn't know what to do, and ended up peeing all over her and the chair...

Wth is your friend a dog?! lol PEOPLE don't randomly start peeing... unless she's got incontinence problems lol


maasturbate 0

I made an account just for this. I am LOLing uncontrollably.

Jokermon 0

#2 i agree wit, #50 lol, u r so silly!

thenameslo 0
squeaky_fml 0

that sucks, but I'm sure it sucks even more for your friend.

hahahahahahahah LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#103 - I made an account for the same purpose. This is just too funny. I am near peeing uncontrollably because of the sheer hilarity of the FML, and replies #59 and #60. I started crying with laughter reading them. This has made my day.