By emilyxoxoxo - 21/03/2009 16:11 - United States

Today, my friend and I thought it would be funny if we could both fit into her big sweatpants. When we tried to take a step, she fell on top of me. She started peeing uncontrollably. We had to cut ourselves out of the sweatpants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 620
You deserved it 37 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i once got stuck in a recliner with my best friend and had to pee. She didn't believe me and wouldn't let me up, and I was really stuck. Her not letting me up made me mad and then I started laughing nervously because I didn't know what to do, and ended up peeing all over her and the chair...

Wth is your friend a dog?! lol PEOPLE don't randomly start peeing... unless she's got incontinence problems lol


haah this is hysterical! it happens to the best of us

wonderwolf 0

I think this is the kind of thing that would happen to me and my friends. :D And have y'all really never laughed until you either peed or had to pee really badly? Get some better friends. xD

hannah5 1

Oh man, I feel worse for your friend. I mean... you got pissed on. But she PISSED ON HER FRIEND. She definitely comes out of this worse.

sh_tf_ck 0

Haha one time I was on the toilet and my friend bursts in the bathroom and throws a dead spider at me that she found in my room. Unfortunately I forgot to stop peeing and stood up lol. I pissed all over myself. So I can relate to that. I think it's hilarious that she peed all over you.

hahahahhahahahhahah were you high? i did this sorta thing with my boyfriend when we were high and his dad walked in and told us we did it wrong i laughed uncontrollably but didn't ever pee. but once when i was high i peed my pants in the mall from laughing to hard after i 32oz drink

2 girls 1 pair of pants. It's the new 2 girls 1 cup

lolatflyingducks 0

Good one, #120. That's entirely random though. I can't imagine someone just randomly peeing after falling.