By photonut13 - 15/07/2010 10:52 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By xkal174 - 15/11/2010 11:33 - United States
By Stephie2009 - 30/10/2010 06:33 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/10/2009 07:52 - United States
WTF Mom?
By Random - 31/01/2012 14:41 - United States
By hunterchik - 29/09/2018 15:30
By kennedygeeee - 08/09/2009 02:28 - United States
No silver linings to this cloud
By Hannah - 14/01/2023 14:00
New relations
By Pat - 22/09/2020 04:01 - United States - Buffalo
By carolinagirl - 04/04/2011 16:23 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/08/2019 00:01 - United States
Top comments
:( FIRST Im sorry i had to
at least you have a house!
sucks to be you op
explain to your mom your thoughts on giving up your room. if you don't tell her, you have no chance of keeping it.
oh oh class retard alert!!!!!
your all a bunch of ******* retards
Yes sleep with him that will fix everything.
^^ Are you like 12?!?
dont put with that shit, do somthing for gods sake! stand up for yourself, thats total bullshit
I agree with 44. tell your mom how you feel!!!
shitty bud. hang in there.
i would be pissed that she didnt tell me and really really pissed that i am losing my room
Yes! lmao. Don't worry, before you know it you two will be making bunk beds, so you have more room for activities :-)
12: OP's mom didn't care enough about her feelings to even say, "Oh hey, by the way, I'm married now!" I highly doubt Mom will give a rat's ass that OP wants to keep his/her bedroom. I'm really hoping OP doesn't live with the mom year-round, but only visits during the summer or something. That would make a tad more sense, but still. FYL
Step Brothers anyone!?!?!?!
thoSe bastards!!!
drake and josh?
your mother needs to be shot! as in dead,
You're not seriously allowing all this right? Stand up for your rights! ('Get up stand up, stand up for your rights. Get up stand up, don't give the fight.' Sorry, the song just immediately popped up in my head while writing this. Now it's stuck with you too :D )
I agree with 8. Either do something about it or move out (unless you're too young).
haha 8 wins I was thinking of that song when I started reading ur comment.. :)
8: If having a private bedroom is a right, I'm owed some major reparations. -.-
your mother sounds like an incredibly sweet and considerate lady...
so sleep with your stepdad take pictures and show them to your backs a bitch
stand up for yourself.. it could have been worse though, the step brother could have been your boyfriend.. well if op is a girl or bi/gay never checked.
yur mom is a ***** :)

your mother sounds like an incredibly sweet and considerate lady...
You're not seriously allowing all this right? Stand up for your rights! ('Get up stand up, stand up for your rights. Get up stand up, don't give the fight.' Sorry, the song just immediately popped up in my head while writing this. Now it's stuck with you too :D )