By Apple - 12/06/2011 17:54 - United States

Today, I was at my friend's house, and I asked if I could try on one of her dresses. It was a little snug, but I got it on. When it came time to take it off though, it wouldn't budge. My friend and her mom had to cut it off me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 512
You deserved it 34 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awww, don't think too much of it. as long as you're healthy you have no need to worry. healthy=beautiful :)

Not trying to be rude here, but if you know you're a little heftier than your friend, you probably shouldn't ask to try on her clothes


MissBunnyWillEat 11
MissBunnyWillEat 11

shit -.- I so didnt click on that comment -.- **** a duck

why cut the dress? just grease her down with butter, im sure shes used to being smothered in it.

Kaylaaaaaa 6

You might need to lose a little weight ;) no offence. FYL!

why cut the dress? just grease her down with butter, im sure shes used to having it smothered all over her.

The real one who should be mad is your friend because she had to cut her fat friend out of her dress which is now ruined

That poor dress. It didn't ask for this.

if your fat dont try and fit into normal cloths ..... problem solved ydi

Lolpizza_fml 0
aubrey1 0

are you sure it was just 'alittle snug' ?

suhbreena21 0

she might just have big hips and small waist... ever heard of a thin girl vs. a heavy bottom/top girl.. !

I hate it when people say "no offense!" after something that's obviously offensive. "You're fat, but no offense!" :b

i dont get why ur comment has too many negatives votes.. its Harsh, Yes. But really Funny

funny how it seems like overweight girls like tight clothes. it just doesn't work, "a little snug" my ass

ErbodyLuvsDaLulz 4

The real problem with this comment is how they spelled offense wrong.

OceanBreathesSal 5

hey it's not her fault, maybe she's big boned.

ReneeFlem_Flam 2

hahaha love it I laughed out loud

maybe you need to relax alittle and get laid, bitch..

you cant have big hips and a small waist. shes a lardass

Randuhh_17 4

154-yes you can, it's called a pear shape. where the top half is small, but the hips are large. then there is the apple shape, which is the roundness in the midsection area, and other areas can be large too... but not always.

Saying that someone is fat should not be offinsive. Ridiculing them for it is different. It is the same as if someone came over to me and said I have brown eyes.

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how come the obvious "reasoning" comments get positive likes, i really didnt care what u just said. fml is here to make us laugh, not to reason out a situation. please shut up.

well i can tell she is not thinner than you, twig boy.

Alicelover123 2

Technically, all it means is that she tried on a dress to small.

Jojo08_fml 0

yeah it doesn't mean her friend is anorexic either.. maybe she's just smaller?

It's Texas, and that state is claimed to have the fattest people in the U.S. You can easily assume that OP probably weighs at least 200 pounds with a BMI of like 40% fat.

59, I didn't just say anorexic. There's a bunch of possibilities.

Haleyz_a_BOSS 0

or she's a size 8, and her friend is a 2. not anorexic or fat...

lakeybalboa 0

60- BMI is not a percent and BMI can also be innacurate; you're thinking of body fat percentage.

or ops friend just might have a different body type then her. for example, op may have larger hips and bust then her friend, thus making the dress not fit. however op still shouldn't be trying on clothing from her friend that is clearly a different size then her.

7- for someone with the profile name "tell it like it is", your not owning up to it!

ok, I'll try next time because your opinion definitely matters to me:)

not necessarily 124, it depends on your body shape, you can be thin and have big boobs and/or hips meaning you have to buy clothes in sizes that don't really reflect how big or small you are. i'm not just being pedantic here, this does actually relate to the fml, op could be thin but differently proportioned to her friend - she could be quite busty or hippy, while her friend might be more straight up and down. she could also actually just be fatter than her friend, but we don't know if that actually makes her fat because her friend could be a size 0, so being too big to fit into her clothes wouldn't be hard. but really, if this friend was obviously smaller than op, she should have known not to try her dress on, and even if she couldn't tell it wouldn't fit it MUST have been obvious when it got halfway on that it wasn't going to go round. so all in all, it was a pretty stupid idea.

Well, even if she has a different body shape but is not fat... she was there, her friend was there - it should have been obvious they have different shapes.

taco boy size 8 is not fat some girls have to get bigger sizes because of their boobs or hips k

similies06 0

I wear size 6-8 in certain jeans and am 160 lbs. I also run all the time and am not considered fat at all just well endowed. the smallest jeans I can wear at my skinniest are 6. I'm very healthy and I love to work out. we all just have different body shapes don't judge others because YOU think a size 8 is fat. I garentee you've thought a girl wearing size 6-9 pants was sexy.. half the tine guys dont even know they speculate their female friends or girlfriends are like 3 sizes smaller than what they are. so you're dumb :)

75- only thing about that is that a size 8 is a heavy size. Unless you have large hips, you're definitely a few extra pounds heavy if you're a size 8.

Or idk. Maybe I'm just biased. I used to be a size 12 myself a few months ago but now I'm a size 4! So I still consider those sizes large.

Really? A size 8 is in no way shape or form a "large" size. I'm a size 6 right now...I weigh 130lbs. I'm also 5'6". I have been size 2 as well, when I weighed 108lbs (and everyone thought I was sick or had an eating disorder because of my height/weight ratio) I have also been a size 8/9 when I weighed 140lbs. Jean sizes aren't considered "large" until you get into size 12 and higher..and even then you can't really judge based on that because the woman could be very tall or have a muscular build....

some_shit 0

ops fault. she should know if she and her friend are different sizes

Lolpizza_fml 0

if it was hard to get on...why bother? i hate to say it but YDI for not knowing your size!! geez... but i still feel sorry you.

so why are so many people saying OP I'd fat? A difference of a dress size or two can be hard to fit into.

a_nutritionist 10

i agree 96, they should be commenting on her utter stupidity. i mean really, a dress doesnt fit so you force it on, so much so that youre unable to get it off again...when it doesnt even belong to you? what a stupid bitchy thing to do.

agreed ^^^ we'll there's goes your friends dress :/

Awww, don't think too much of it. as long as you're healthy you have no need to worry. healthy=beautiful :)

I've seen lots of healthy ugly people, you ma'am, are a liar.

sarahxD1234 5
minecraft_fml 4

unless it's a healthy appetite

I was saying that you should try to be the healthiest you can be. Eating right and exercising has endless benefits (ie. great skin, longer life, etc). I wasn't suggesting that there are ugly and beautiful people. I was saying the that the healthiest version of yourself is the most beautiful version.

Not trying to be rude here, but if you know you're a little heftier than your friend, you probably shouldn't ask to try on her clothes

Maybe she wanted to know what a caterpillar feels like when it becomes a beautiful butterfly. Is that so wrong?

aubrey1 0

38, your picture is creepy.

Insensitivity was ruining someone else's clothes so as to satisfy your own vanity.

41- and was that directed at me?

IHeartJimi02 0

I was thinking the same thing. I'm nit saying op is fat but they were obviously different sizes. I'm sure the dress was more than a little snug. Right when you felt it be a little snug you should've taken it off