By Anonymous - 21/03/2009 19:03 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was really stressed about a guy he works with being a jerk. I told him "if you ignore something long enough, it won't bother you anymore." His response was "I've ignored my herpes for a long time but it still bothers me." We've been having sex for 3 months now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 140 338
You deserved it 22 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UltimateIdiot911 0

You should have had him get tested first.

kellster 2

And that's why they give all these classes on safe sex. All for naught, apparently. Condoms. Look into them. Testing. Look into it. Also, your bf for the fail. Good honesty there, jackass.


UltimateIdiot911 0

You should have had him get tested first.

tokintot07 0

maybe he was kidding? his comeback was good though.

Even if he was kidding, it really is a good idea to have both partners tested before taking their relationship further. Some people say it's awkward, but honestly, if you're serious about each other you'll get passed it.

Ender_ 0

Herpes can be fun for the whole family. Don't be pissed because you're going to itch in your no-no zone from now til forever.

kellster 2

And that's why they give all these classes on safe sex. All for naught, apparently. Condoms. Look into them. Testing. Look into it. Also, your bf for the fail. Good honesty there, jackass.

Except condoms don't protect against herpes usually and you'd have to have a sore to be swabbed. Not so easy.

#1 - I agree with you. Should've tested before the first time you had sex. ALways better safe than sorry.

Anonymus101 4

Well at least you can say that you have cat scratch fever(if you can get the double pun you win).

Ouch. If yours isn't active yet MAYBE HOPEFULLY you didn't contract it... pray really hard lol I hope you used protection!

calmthefuck_down 0

what an asshole boyfriend you have.

bizarre_ftw 21

...or maybe he was just being a dick and ******* with your head. if not, consider it an honor. herpes: the gift that keeps on giving.

herheartsuck 0

i'm pretty sure he was kidding and if not sue him, you can't have sex with some one without telling them you have an std

In some states, depending, it counts for certain STD's too.