By cestquoicebordel?? - 14/08/2012 22:50 - France

Today, my fiancée showed me her wedding plans. It will be themed on one of her video games, the best man will be dressed as an alien warlord, and the vows talk about how we'll beat the odds and be blessed by the "Goddess Kalahira". Apparently, I have no say in this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 889
You deserved it 6 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well atleast ull be able to brag bout ur bride in every comicshop or gamestore/gameforum on the planet;)

jonsey974 3

If you're fiancé is quoting things from Mass Effect, you better ******* marry her now!

mizteri 1

Sounds cool. Dunno what you wanted to change. Maybe a food fight? Or something?

mizteri 1

Hey what if you have two weddings? One for her and one for you? Thinking of it, it ain't so good to go along to something you aren't into. Makes for bad karma. :t

I'd love a Mass Effect style wedding. You lucky man!

murphdarkly 13

You sir are certainly not half the man that Commander Shepherd was or you'd revel in this time honored ceremony in ancient Drell custom.

Your fiancée's a keeper bro. You're ******* lucky xD.