By cestquoicebordel?? - 14/08/2012 22:50 - France

Today, my fiancée showed me her wedding plans. It will be themed on one of her video games, the best man will be dressed as an alien warlord, and the vows talk about how we'll beat the odds and be blessed by the "Goddess Kalahira". Apparently, I have no say in this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 889
You deserved it 6 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You're a lucky ass the game that comes from is one of the best games and stories ever written. You ungrateful ass! ill gladly take your fiancee if i wasnt already married haha

Sounds pretty damn good to me. If you've reached the point in your relationship where you're aiming to marry someone, something like this shouldn't be surprising to you. You should know your partner well enough for something like this to A; have been predictable, and B; be open to some discussion. If it gets to you this much, TALK TO HER ABOUT IT! If you can't, maybe this isn't the relationship you should be pursuing.

Oh dear looks like there's not much sympathy for the OP. Then again I would love for Thane Krios to be my priest! That voice... mmmm.

dixiefoxx 22

This sounds like it'll be more interesting then ANY of the weddings I've been to

As a Mass Effect fan, I find this AWESOME. But yes, you should have a say in it, so FYL. I would never impose a game-themed wedding on my significant other if he wasn't the fan of the franchise.

Let her know that if she persists in not opening her mind to you, you will embrace eternity with someone else. Tell her that she can either fight at your side or get crushed under your heel, but she will NOT stand in your way.

cl4ptp 18

Your fiancée is badman! This is not a FML. Mass Effect is a fantastic trilogy. Be grateful that your fiancée is into video games, a lot of girls aren't and by the sound of things she isn't going to be a "bridezilla" which is another score for you :)

Yeah you do have a say in this -Man Up grow some balls and say Hell No , we live in a pretty ****** up world to be basing a wedding on a video game.

You should stop bitching and think yourself lucky Crash Bandicoot isn't her favorite game, now that would have been awkward!

Eirena 5