By cestquoicebordel?? - 14/08/2012 22:50 - France

Today, my fiancée showed me her wedding plans. It will be themed on one of her video games, the best man will be dressed as an alien warlord, and the vows talk about how we'll beat the odds and be blessed by the "Goddess Kalahira". Apparently, I have no say in this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 890
You deserved it 6 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments


How long have been going out that you just realised she was like that. However you are going to have a alien best man.

You have all the say. Stop complaining inline and call the wedding off, grow some balls. Sounds like she walks all over you now, wait until your married. It doesn't get better

OP, tell her she can have the wedding but you get to do anything you want to her on the honeymoon and she has to submit to it. Start listing your fantasies now so you don't forget anything when the time comes.


ME3 FTW! During ur vows u should say "My name is commander sheperd and this is my favorite woman on the citadel"

Do you really want to spend the rest of your life having no say in your life?

You could be friends with my husband. Enjoy your girl gamer!! We are rare!! My husband doesn't appreciate that I'm a girl gamer either. *frustrated face* *sticks out tongue*

bigtime_rocker 11

In the words of Arnie: GET AOUT!!!

Dude man up and tell her that u don't exactly like the idea of that and that if u can change some things around