Pay a living wage

By Anonymous - 07/12/2021 14:01

Today, I live in a world where I work 50 hours a week, and yet after paying all necessary bills, eating one meal a day, and only drinking water from the tap, I am £130 pounds poorer than last week, all because I had to use my credit card and increase my debt to buy petrol and pay the gas bill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 070
You deserved it 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Based on the currency - is this in the UK?? I thought they were more people-oriented and provided better wages and benefits for their workforce. Is this an abnormal case, or common there, too, like here in the US? Not being sarcastic or critical, just trying to understand.

The national minimum wage in the UK is £8.91/hour. Meaning, if you work 50 hours a week, you should be making roughly £2,000/month. Even after taking taxes into account, you should still have roughly £1,400-1,500 left. I make about that much and still manage to live comfortably in Paris. Are you driving a freaking lorry to get to work? To you rent a large, expensive apartment?


Marcella1016 31

Based on the currency - is this in the UK?? I thought they were more people-oriented and provided better wages and benefits for their workforce. Is this an abnormal case, or common there, too, like here in the US? Not being sarcastic or critical, just trying to understand.

The national minimum wage in the UK is £8.91/hour. Meaning, if you work 50 hours a week, you should be making roughly £2,000/month. Even after taking taxes into account, you should still have roughly £1,400-1,500 left. I make about that much and still manage to live comfortably in Paris. Are you driving a freaking lorry to get to work? To you rent a large, expensive apartment?

You're too gullible! You're paying double for some things. Petrol IS gas, so you get half your money back for busting that scam!