It never rains, it pours

By samsonity - 15/09/2020 17:02

Today, I woke up knowing I'd done all my homework, so I'd have the day free. My dad calls me into his room to tell me that I have 3 outstanding exam papers to hand in this week. It was summer homework, set by my school's online learning website that I didn’t know it existed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 390
You deserved it 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lifeis4me 20

Hopefully it doesn’t harm your grades. I always had summer readings but they didn’t matter much

Kraths 16

who assigns summer homework. Do schools suddenly have alot more faith in students then when I was going, because they wouldn't give us assignments like this due to the fact half of us would forget and the other half wouldn't bother


Did you not know that the homework or the website existed? Given that poor writing, I can't decide whether to urge you to study harder or just give up.

Kraths 16

who assigns summer homework. Do schools suddenly have alot more faith in students then when I was going, because they wouldn't give us assignments like this due to the fact half of us would forget and the other half wouldn't bother

Kraths 16

They definitely have more faith in their students, then the schools I went to

samsonity 5

He who sets summer homework doesn’t deserve nor qualify for the title person

tounces7 27

The Summer homework is unlikely to be a requirement, just something optional his dad is forcing him to do.

samsonity 5

You have to do it. If you don’t you get a detention.

Kraths 16

Well we were never assigned it growing up, nor was detention handed out for missing or late assignments unless it was a consistent problem

lifeis4me 20

Hopefully it doesn’t harm your grades. I always had summer readings but they didn’t matter much

tounces7 27

Some parents HATE the idea of their children having fun. Because not only does it point out how miserable their own life is, but they also feel having any fun at all will somehow destroy your long, miserable future.