By psd60 - 06/12/2012 07:18 - United States - San Antonio

Today, my dog died and I told my grandfather I wanted her to be cremated. I came home later to find him burning her in our barbecue pit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 347
You deserved it 4 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was barbaric of him. I'm so sorry OP, that must have been an awful thing for you to see. FYL.

And this, children, is what we call a redneck funeral.


That was barbaric of him. I'm so sorry OP, that must have been an awful thing for you to see. FYL.

He's just trying to help. But still... Not cool grandpa!

WatsonIsThatDood 6

Not so much. That's how I wanna go. Burned in the country wilderness with my family partying around me. From the ash you came and to the ash you shall return.

That's just morbid.... I'd go ape shit if someone did that to my dogs deceased body. It's disrespectful.

As far as I know, dogs aren't sentient. It's morally about as bad as burning a pork chop.

tristanisgay 7

16- Gets the job done? Okay, let me light one of your animals on fire and then say that .... Jeesh.

OMG that's terrible!! Id be balling my eyes out for weeks after something as scarring as that! I'm sorry OP, IM sure your grandpa didn't mean to do that to you.

I'm always balling. 'Cause I'm a gangster.

You're that good your eyes fall out?' If that was true the NBA would be blind...okay now I wanna watch an entire NBA game where every player is blindfolded. Score will still be higher than a WNBA game...

Wow imagine what 2 would do every time they see a steak...

crazytwinsmom 25

That's awful, so sorry! But on the silly side... 'crispy critter'. Terrible I know, but couldn't help it.

Bad crazytwinsmom! Bad! Bad! <lmfao> OBTW, I like your name...

Wouldn't all the guts and everything go all over the barbecue? Good luck ever eating anything from there again.

Very disturbing image.. Reminded of something in a zombie movie..

NagainaFier 16

4| I wouldn't be surprised if the grandfather gutted the dog, from a practical stand point. Not saying I agree (I don't), but I can see that happening.... My condolences, OP.

cajekraze 7

The fluids dripping and popping would be the big worry. And since cremation takes place at roughly 1700°F, a barbecue might take a day or so to complete. This is my job

He's cremating her just like you said. Guess he took it a little too literally.

coolboy675 16

Doggone it grandpa! But on a serious note, that's ****** up of him. Sorry for your loss OP.

And this, children, is what we call a redneck funeral.

jackal181 7

Redneck? I'm thinking this is a Korean or Chinese family...

Wouldn't all guts go all over the barbecue? Good luck ever eating from there again.

Don't get all up in his grill about it.

Don't get so fired up over it. You're going to burn yourself out thinking about it.

Yeah, that was very barb-aric of the grandfather to do such a thing.

alliewillie 22

Well, he was just doing as you asked...

NagainaFier 16

OP didn't ask the grandfather to cremate the dog- Just that they WANTED the dog cremated. I dunno how he thought this was a DIY project though- there's no way you could get a grill hot enough, and those are for COOKING meat. Not incinerating.