By toothfairy - 26/06/2009 14:20 - United Kingdom

Today, My 5 year old sister informed me she had left me a present in my bed. She had tied a ribbon around a dead rat's neck and propped it up on my pillow. The label says his name was Bert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 711
You deserved it 2 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your_Shadow 0
AndelleRae 9

Aw, how thoughtful. :) Seriously though? Sleep with one eye open.


Your_Shadow 0
slutsstud 0
AngryC4t 0

I think her sister might actually be a cat.

lolzforfun228 3

Lmao true. Well imagine it had been a LIVE rat with RABBIES.

what are rabbies? and #60 -- that was awesome.

kpearsall 0

I think your sister may be disturbed.

lol OP I love ur sister .... not that kinda love ..... imma fan there that kinda like

slushpup9696 12

Or worse, a live rat with rabbis!

jessamy_brit 5

It's like The Godfather. Be careful. She may try to knock you off.

lexilovesyou 0

Oh wow; I love your sister. Thats greatt(: & its my dogs birthday today too(:

what the **** is wrong with you sister! BTW i third thatt

She should have left is as a surprise.

AndelleRae 9

Aw, how thoughtful. :) Seriously though? Sleep with one eye open.

carnage1106 0

wow really not one comment about of mice and men

KonM4N4Life 0

Well you could keep it :) name it something other then bert though.

Hm...Tell her she needs a live one next time.