By anonymous - 03/06/2011 06:25 - United States

Today, my dad's work phone went off, and I thought I should go tell him since he's on call. Turns out no matter how you do it, a 47 year old man at one in the morning will think you are a burglar trying to attack him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 325
You deserved it 3 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AsianCookie247 14

damn haha I feel bad for your father, I hate being woken up.

It was his work phone and he was on call. Perhaps he works for the electric company and there was a major power outage that needed to be fixed. Perhaps he's a doctor and needed to go save someone's life. Are those not good enough ******* reasons to wake him up for one ******* cool? Maybe try reading the entire FML before commenting.


AsianCookie247 14

damn haha I feel bad for your father, I hate being woken up.

I know right? Never wake a man while asleep.

my 47-year-old dad doesn't do that when i wake him up late at night. thanks for the warning though.

Ugh! I hate it when someone wakes me from a nap. That's why I always put my phone on silent and lock the doors before sleeping 

rldostie 19

Or a nurse or a volunteer fireman.

topygrl2 - I wasn't referring to myself as a man. I was meaning the dad, douche.

Wowzahs, I think I'll take him. Best home defense out there, attacking his own children.

mattmadden 0

What the **** is your picture?!

iAmScrubs 19

not to mention you were holding the most deadly weapon know to man-kind. A phone.

I guess when lawyers are calling about outstanding child support, the phone is a deadly weapon indeed.

It's only deadly to men. If you're a girl it's your best friend.

scrubs, I expect better than this from you!

PSQ91 6

So according to you, every 47 year old men does that?

randiZ25 0

Way to read the paragraph!!!

sailorzoe 14

My dad would. He is as old as dirt tho.

Its a good thing that he doesn't sleep with a gun...

Jumpy people are funny to mess with.

KatrinaKitten 16

That's probably why everyone messes with me. I hate being messed with!

Bitch. No offense to you sister. Bitch.

Sorry I meant it for the previous FML sorry really

I love it when my dads on a booty call, and I answer his phone ;)

I don't know why people thumbs down your comments. They're kind of funny. Sometimes.

holymolybro 0

Yes. Fyl, but that's awesome. But, why would you try and wake him up at one for one ******* cool?

It was his work phone and he was on call. Perhaps he works for the electric company and there was a major power outage that needed to be fixed. Perhaps he's a doctor and needed to go save someone's life. Are those not good enough ******* reasons to wake him up for one ******* cool? Maybe try reading the entire FML before commenting.

Because... he was on call. You know, that's what it means to be, and I repeat, ON CALL. If people call you, you get your ass to their house, or do whatever the heck it is you get paid to do.

NoWaySick 0

That's super scary. My dad is almost 50 and he could still kick my ass if he wanted to. fyl.