By gengiskarn69 - 12/03/2012 14:55 - United States

Today, I thought it would be funny to sneak up on my dad while he was rummaging through his briefcase. He must have heard me, because the moment I got up close, he whirled around and yelled "BOO!" causing me to scream like a little bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 975
You deserved it 38 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DSfriscoe 2

At least he didn't punch you in the face.

Who the **** thinks it's funny to sneak up and try to scare people? Oh right, your father does. Serves you right, asshat.


lrgenesis 19

Hahahaha sounds like my dad. Shoulda punched him lol

nofearjenshere 12

Yeah, cause its always a great idea to punch your dad...

If you're willing to play a prank on someone then it should be okay for them to do it to you!

mikeman1744 18

he does seem like a little bitch

Ha, don't you love it when that happens?

At least he didn't punch you in the junk*

Because the first place I aim when I'm going to hit someone is their dick...

GovernorGeneral 8

That is the first rule for self defence. Well its mostly the first... - prepares for the downthumbs - Im ready >:(

Who the **** thinks it's funny to sneak up and try to scare people? Oh right, your father does. Serves you right, asshat.

Troll dad always takes the cake! Or in this case, the fruit cake. Fruit cake means means gays! :D

hey at least you know you will be on top of your game when youre older. (;