By Experience - 05/02/2013 20:19 - United States - Waynesfield

Today, my dad opened a Chinese fortune cookie that read, "Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes." Now he won't stop calling me Experience. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 006
You deserved it 3 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iamabamf 17

Could be worse. My dad just calls me "The Little Bitch."

MrClean17 15

I chuckled when I saw your username OP. It seems you've accepted your fate


Reminds me of the time I asked my mom what her first thought was when she found out she was pregnant with me, and her response was "Can I kill myself?" Ah, parental love!

Honestly, the nickname is not that funny or that mean. Give your dad a nickname to match. I'd call him "Puppet master" & bow on one knee to be dramatic. But that's just me.

all my plans suck. but there are never any mistakes.

Satoaoi 13

be the bigger man. :) .or You could always send him to an experienced old folks home when he gets old

skyeyez9 24

My dad told me he picked me out of an orangutan orphanage. :/ I learned to never ask him any questions, cause he always gave bullshit answers.

this is the best FML i have read in a long time. your dad is my hero

jennuhm 4

What a Bitch! You need to have some words with her!!! Not ok

Don't worry... I'm the middle child and I still get called the "oops". :(